Competitive Returns, Minimized Risk
Our portfolios are designed to provide downside risk protection with competitive returns through selectively researching and evaluating companies with a strong stock valuation. Our analysts and portfolio management team continuously research and review the market environment to find the top performing companies to help our clients realize solid returns.
When you choose to invest with Woodley Farra, you’ll have your own primary advisor, who works in tandem with a team of individuals that service your account. From initial onboarding to completing the final stages of retirement planning, you’ll have a group of financial professionals available to help meet your financial goals at every stage.
What Is Woodley Farra Manion’s Stock Selection Process?
Our model portfolios are constructed using a disciplined stock selection that involves fundamental, quantitative, technical, and economic criteria.
Examine a company’s financial and competitive health
Analyze a company’s stock valuation using several proprietary formulas
Identify trends in supply and demand for the stock under review
Analyze economic trends and their potential effect on a company’s valuation