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Michael P. Manion

“We're in a position where we fortunately can work with the clients that we want to work with, and those are the folks that do trust us and understand what we do. And they are with us because they are very much engaged with our process, and we have the same goals with respect to investment management and strategy.”

About Michael

After graduating from Denison University with a degree in economics and religion, Mike worked in corporate underwriting at J.P. Morgan, and also spent time at the Chicago Board of Trade, working in securities for Dean Witter Reynolds before they merged with Morgan Stanley. He joined Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management in 1999 as a principal and partner.

“The most rewarding thing about working in the finance industry is the ability to provide a service that to a lot of outsiders can look to be extraordinarily complex,” he says. “Providing that consistent level of customer service and ultimately investment management service is essential.”


BS in Economics and Religion from Denison University Series 65 Licensed


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